
Kenna Brase



家乡: Foothill Ranch, CA

College Attended: Westmont College, ‘22

学位: B.A. in Communication Studies, minor in Global Studies


Favorite Aspect of Westmont: One of my favorite aspects of Westmont is the intentionality of the community here. When my friends asked how I was doing, they really wanted to know. When I ran into someone on campus, they took the time to stop and have a conversation in the midst of their schedule. Even while working on projects or doing 首页work, people want to connect and build relationships. Professors genuinely desire to know you and seek to build connections with you through lunches, 办公时间, and even inviting you over to their house. Every 工作人员 member I encountered cared about me and my growth, and made sure I felt loved and supported. People love deeply here, and they show it through both word and action. I have truly been able to experience the love of God through the people I met at Westmont.

Favorite Westmont memory: By far, the highlight of my Westmont experience was studying abroad in Cairo, Egypt. I got to take classes in Arabic, Islam and Christianity in the Middle East, 和现代埃及, and live in an apartment in the city with other Westmont students. I built friendships with Egyptians and got to explore and engage with a city that is teeming with life and culture. Being in the Middle East also exposed me to the global Church, as I got to engage with the local Coptic church (a branch of Orthodox Christianity) and learn about their practices and traditions. I also gained experience in interfaith dialogue, as I got to have conversations with friends who were Muslim and hear about their beliefs. I had many of my own misconceptions about the Middle East broken down, and I was shown incredible hospitality by Egyptians in both big and small ways. Though we had to eventually leave early (thanks Covid), I would still count it as one of the best experiences I had in college. It’s given me a passion for global studies (my minor!) and cross-cultural engagement. I’m grateful for the lifelong friendships and learning from my semester abroad, and I’d highly recommend studying abroad during your college years!

Favorite Place on Campus: I love the garden. It’s one of the most peaceful places on campus in my opinion. You can really enjoy and soak in the wonder of creation when you’re there. I always loved to journal, read, and call friends there when I was a student. It’s definitely the hidden gem of campus! 

Why do you work at Westmont?: I know that Westmont is a transformative place in both faith and education. While I was a student, I was given the skills to think critically, 问问题, and learn from experts at the top of their field, but I also got to wrestle with big questions in faith and apply my learning to my life personally. I also got to do this in the midst of community, which makes all the difference. I work here because I want to be part of a transformative place that challenges people and helps them grow as students and as Christians. I know that Westmont was a blessing in my life, and now I want to be part of showing others how Westmont can be an integral and impactful part of their story too. As the community of Westmont has invested in me, I now want to join in investing in others and seeing their journey of growth and transformation. 

爱好: I loooove coffee: making it, drinking it, hanging at places that sell it, etc. I like watching movies and going to the movies, and I love the Santa Barbara drive-in theater. I’m a big fan of picnics with friends, charcuterie boards, and beverages of any kind (especially the elderflower-lemon soda from Trader Joe’s). I love being around people, cooking, and sharing meals with them. I love camping and being outdoors, in the mountains or at the beach! I love going on walks. I love traveling, and learning about other cultures. I’m a big podcast person (any recommendations are welcomed) and I also love a good book.